Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Celebrating My Friends.......

Today we celebrate 3 of our classmates birthday.
Eventhough their birthday already pass weeks ago, but celebrating it still a must in our class. Happy birthday to Asran and Nurazinie who just reach their 19 and Talqiff that already reach 20. I have give a present to Azie but not the guys. Don't think they need any.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

False Alarm!!!

Few days before I did said about few of my friends have been infected with H1N1 influenza. But today I just been inform that they only have a bad normal fever. I glad they are ok right now. They sure make me worried about them. Just like I have said. I love my friends than I love myself.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


This disease have spread all over the world.
Malaysia now also one of the country that are facing H1N1.
Few of my friends has been hospitalise because of this disease.
I hope they will get better soon.
I'm feeling sad without their smile.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I'm Somehow Feeling Blissful....

Today is a nice day with some good things happening all day long. The time I have been waiting finally came. But it better just been a secret for myself and some of my friends. Last night there was a discussion between the soccer club members for the assignments and some money that must be collect for the club. Everything are smooth and all the members agreed for what we have discuss.
This is a picture taken while the discussion was held. One of my friend took it. Nice huh....

Monday, July 20, 2009

Kami no Mizo Shiru Sekai

In past few weeks, I'm following this new manga by Wakaki Tamiki. The title is Kami no Mizo Shiru Sekai ( The World God Only Knows). The manga is interesting with the new type of story board that never appears in any other manga. The protagonist, Katsuragi Keima is known on the net as the god of getting the girls while in real life he’s known as otamegane and he hates all real girls. However he is approached by Erushii, a devil from hell, to help her in catching runaway spirits that hide in people. Apparently the spirits only hide in the hearts of girls and the only way to get the souls out is by making the girl fall in love so the spirit gets forced out. And he’s not allowed to fail or he will lose his head. The drawings are nice. Currently it have reach chapter 56. I recommend this manga for all anime and manga lovers out there. Hope they will produce an anime for this.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Harry Potter and The Half Blood Price

Yesterday was a good day. Going out with friends watching Harry Potter was a good experience. The ticket cost me RM10.00. (about 3-4 US dollar) I already book the seat first and luckily I got a good seat. However the movie has the feeling of lacking something. There are not much actions put into it. For my friends who read the novel they said most of the interesting part in the novel is not in the movie. It is disappointing. I hope the next movie will be a lot better. The anti-climax in this movie sure does turn me down. But I'm sure looking forward for the next movie.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Fragment of the past

I don't know why. Suddenly I'm thinking about the days that I just got into IPGM kampus Darulaman. It is a nostalgia for me. Remembering on how I make friends with my classmates and other classes. I never knew that I was that friendly on those days. But one thing for sure. History is a needed part in my life to push me further. Making mistakes today to make it a history so I never make the same stupid actions again and again. (There are some). These pictures were taken last year with my friends.

I wonder how long did I take to remember my classmates name.
I'm such a forgetfull person. You are so lucky if I remember your name.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Becoming a primary school teacher in Malaysia

Today I was asked during the evening by the junior... '
"Is learning in IPGM hard as told by others?"

Well...... That question have no definate answer for me. It all depend on the individual himself or herself. For me it might be a moderate. But for some others they might find it difficult or 'as piece of cake'. Try to be yourself in IPGM. Take everything slowly and don't push yourself to hard because if you don't. Stress will have you in it grasp. Always go to classes and do not cause any trouble to the lecturers. If you do that then the lecturers will pay you twice the price. You know what I mean.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Quite a day...

This month a lot of things happen everyday. Handling the new students was quite a experience. I wonder if I was the same when I got here in IPGM KamDa. But most of the boys are nice, and not to be forgotten how cute the new girls are. I wish getting my hands on one of them. But with my busy schedule that might not be possible. Some of the juniors are calling me 'senior' and 'abang' (brother). I prefer they stop calling me that. It is making me feeling older. Huhuhuhu (T-T) By they way, if any my juniors are reading this. Nice having you here.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Azienie!!!

Today that is 14th July is my classmate birthday.
So today she just reach her 19th birthday.
Her name is Nurazinie.
I got her a present but I will post it tomorrow.
Just wait for the suprise.
Azie, if you are reading this....
Wait for tonight to get your present.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Prime Minister Of Malaysia!!!

Wow!! This week is quite something.
Today I got to meet the Prime Minister!!
'Yang Amat Berhormat Datuk Sri Najib Tun Razak'
I got to shake hand with him.
So lucky.......

This is truly a rare chance...
Just take it while I can.
I wonder if I can meet Tok Guru Nik Aziz too.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Learning to be a teacher in IPGM / Maktab Perguruan is not easy,
lot of things need to be learn to make us know how to shape future generations in school,
Yesterday we need to perform a task in front of the class.
A teaching mock to be exact.
It was fun, but I still haven't do mine yet.
Maybe in two or three more weeks.

This is the picture of my classmates doing teaching mock in front of the class. Their name are Mursyidah and Sarah.
Malaysia's education are rising (^-^)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Scouts

I'm so busy with my works and studies in my institution. It tires me off for good...
Less sleep, more work... Its hard for me for past weeks, but I just continuing with my daily life as like its normal and it will be for the next few years. Last week I went to a Scouts camping in Yan, Kedah, Malaysia. It takes a lot of my stress away from me for the moment....
I'm the one that sit wearing a 'Kopiah'

But these days I'm feeling quite lonely.
Maybe because of the extra work and less social between friends....
Hope all the works can be finish faster...